Am Ch Caamora Gandy Dancer (Imp USA) - "JD" (Am Ch Tallyrand No Greater Love ROMX x Am Ch Caamora Paper Doll) "JD" completed his American Championship with two 5 point Majors and a 4 point Major - all at Specialty Shows or under Specialists. His breeding is a combination of Top Producers, and he is full brother to three Champions - including the top winning bitch, "Am Ch Caamora All Dolled Up", so it is no surprise that at just 3 years of age he is making his mark at stud already has Champion progeny. Syndicate Owned: Barwick / Smith / Robertson / Seifert Enquiries: Ray
Barwick & David Smith
Robin Robert
(03) 9372 5253
Phone (02) 9652 1418
Email: raybarwick@hotmail.com Email anwyl@summit.com.au
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